Friday, 3 February 2012

Office politics! See me ooo

Just as the heat caused by the sack of some of my colleagues was cooling down, we recieved a new organizational structure in our mails yesterday. There has being a massive re-arrangement of the system, with some departments totally collapsed. In this new structure, we have a 3 teams with 3 people in each team - for the operational arm of the business. I am the only girl in my team and my team leader came from one of the collapsed departments.
From the look of things, its obvious that the guy (my team leader) was only retained in the system cos they couldnt figure out how to sack him. How can he come from being a senior manager and a Head of Department just to head a team of 2 people??? A position which is for a deputy manager and in some cases, a manager (who isnt favoured)?
The guy took it in good faith, from all indications (i would have been as mad as hell!)
Everyone is wondering how he will cope with this new responsibilty cos he does not know the 1st thing about this part of the business seeing that he has been doing something else for the past 8 years. Its just like moving someone from admin department to finance and asking him to head the finance team. No be to open the man ya*sh be that?
As if that isnt enuf, i was called by one of the top mgt. staff and this was what he said to me "Even though it is Andrew's (my team leader) name that is on the organogram as the team leader, i hope you know you are the actual manager of that team. This is because you know Andrew has no experience whatsoever in this area of the business and so will not know what to do (oohh so they even knew this b4?). I want you to take charge. Put him in copy of all mails sent and let him know what you are doing but take charge"

That is subtly telling me to 'power tussle' with this guy. How will i take charge when i shouldnt be in charge? What if i suggest how things should go and he insists otherwise? I cant impose on my team leader na, abi? This people just wan knock 2 people head together for here, e gba mi ooo.

Then the other guy in the team is supposed to be assisting me, meanwhile i hear say the guy dey vex say dem put am under me. Silly boy.

I have to learn how to play office politics, honestly.


  1. hmmmm... the company I work with is undertaking this kind of re-alignment exercise. But unlike you who knows your faith now, we dont because we are yet to receive our letters. I think your relationship with your team leader will go well, just do what you are suppose to do and leave the rest to God. best wishes.

    1. Priscy!!! Long time. Hope you are fine.
      I really hope verything goes well with this team honestly. cos it looks like the other 2 guys are out to see how to make me uncomfortable so they can manipulate the account to their benefit.
      I will try my best though. Thanks for stopping by girl. Dont worry, you wont be affected negatively by the restructuring in ur company, AMEN

    2. Priscy, your job is secure In Jesus Name. Amen.

    3. Priscy, it is well with you and ur job

  2. Now that's some tight spot you are in. I will advise you to be careful. In as much as you are "supposed to be leading the team", just make your suggestions to the team leader. Don't force it on him. He is a guy and I'm sure his ego will come into play. You just pray for God's wisdom cos you most definitely need it esp now. Have a fabulous weekend dear.

  3. choi!!! That kain work go need plenty diplomacy and tact o! Jeez! That's a tough place to be. I am sure you will do fine sha. Keep your head up

  4. There is politics in almost every office and you have to keep your head down as you figure it out. All the best.

  5. If only I could read this post with all the colours...

  6. How has work been dear. Just checking on you. **hugssss**

  7. Buzzer! how far naa? why have you abandoned us like that? *side eye for you oo*, how are you doing and how is work? thought I should check up on you. come back soon

  8. Hellllooooooooooooooo, where are you? Missed you around here. Hope you are ok.
